Dec 7, 2007

The Purloined Letter

Summary: A woman has a letter stolen from her, she is well aware of this event, and has offered a big reward for the letter being returned to her. So the captain of the French police (Note: The story takes place in France.) visits the narrator and his friend Dupin to tell them of this situation. The story goes, the woman had recently gotten this letter, but Minister D. had come to her home and took the letter for its contents. The contents were never precisely revealed, but it is known that they could harm someone with power.

Dupin questioned the police captain about the letter and how it was searched for. G-- (the captain) had said that the police unit had searched every possible hiding place for a letter. Dupin was content with this information and so G-- left. G-- returns to Dupin and his friend sometime later, with the letter still missing. Dupin asks whether the police has had any leads on the letter, G-- tells that they've haven't, and that he was willing to give up 50,000 Francs from the reward to any sort of lead. Dupin says that G-- should write the check because he on his own had found and retrieved it. G-- was shocked and when Dupin had handed over the letter and it was the letter the police had searched hard for.

G-- leaves, and Dupin reveals to his friend/the narrator how exactly he had found it. (It's a rather long winded explination, and I wanted to just skip some pages and get to the point.) He said he had disguised himself and went to Minister D's home and had located where it was there. Dupin went back a second time, had paid a man to cause a major distraction outside so Dupin could get he letter and secure it. His plan had worked and he got 50,000 Francs for his clever deduction.

Point of View: The narration of this story was a first person limited p.o.v. The reader found out details when the narrator himself found out details. He had no prior knowledge to any of the happenings until either G-- or Dupin had told him what had gone on.

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