Sep 6, 2008

Hey, I got a new puppy in July

And then school started a month later.

Ares has a red collar.

Jul 17, 2008

Black Canary Barbie

Everyone who calls it the "S&M Barbie" need to go shoot themselves. She's been around since the 1940s for Christ's sake. The people making these claims are ignorant. I don't like that. I haven't seen or read all reactions to this doll, but I've gotten the main idea of it all. People don't like it because she looks like a hooker. What the hell? People are stupid. If anyone gives a shit, Wonder Woman *technically* has less clothes on than Dinah. Yeah, I may be seeing this from a comic fan's point of view, but people, look some shit up before causing a major Internet riot. Dinah's not a whore. She's not an undesirable woman. She's a very well respected character in the DC Universe. I love her, she's kickass.

I'm totally getting this doll when it comes out.


Here's a picture:

Jun 27, 2008

The event of today (this is real)

I was walking from my living room (which was fairly brightly lit) to the bathroom down the hallway (the hallway was very dark compared to my living room) and as I was walking my eyes were taking longer than usual to adjust to the light change, then the next thing I remember was that I was on back on the floor, having just fallen. So I blacked out for a few seconds because I don't remember myself falling at all. I'm fine now though except my left elbow got cut and that arm hurts if I move it too quickly and too much.

My horrible dream from Wednesday

I was at some summer camp thing that was in a very big, posh hotel and I was in my room and I found a note by the mirror above the sink and I knew who it was from, so I decided to send them a letter. I go to one of the counselors to ask where the mail room was but they took me down a long, winding hallway instead (very, very fast too) to this room that was similar to the opening part of the Pirates of the Carribean ride except brighter and smaller. And there was this old couple sitting there and they had corpse faces and the skin was taught and was this light gray-blue color and they didn't have eyes. And they tried to touch me! But then the counselor took me into a theater room and the film was about the old couple, but I didn't care and I ran back out, and the old couple tried to touch me again, but I remember having my hands over my hands screaming about how I just wanted to send a letter. As I was running back down the hallway, I remember hearing the counselor say "She was never up to this kind of stuff."

Jun 16, 2008

Happy summer!

How fun! Summer time! Well, starting Wednesday, I get to go to fun! summer school. Why is it fun! summer school? Because it's just to waste time by doing artsy, productive things! I have signed up for ceramics and improv for the first and second sessions, respectively. The sad part is that I have to ride the horrible city bus there and back. :/ Oh well.

May 11, 2008

Hello, and Sorry

I gave blogging up for Lent a few months ago. I just never came back until now. :P

I just celebrated my first anniversary with my boyfriend yesterday. Whoo! :)